Wecome to Rhune!

A fullbody drawing of Offal, they are in a relaxed floaty position.

A kind-hearted but awkward ximazan that ran away from their hive to travel the world.

NAME: Offal
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6'5 (195 cm)
GENDER: Nontrinary
PRONOUNS: They/them
SPECIES: Ximazan
OCCUPATION: Freelance Adventurer
LIKES: Trading card games, collecting things, video games, flowers, fruit, bright colors
SMELLS LIKE: Eating a fresh caramel apple in the same room that someone is carving a pumpkin in.



Offal is a ximazan with a very laid back and chill personality. They prefer the simpler things in life. Good food, being surrounded by friends, and being in nature. They tend to repress negative emotions and focus on the good things instead. They ran away from their hive at 22 years old. Their family wasn't intentionally awful, just ableist and neglectful of their neurodivergent sibling.



Offal's ref sheet

Offal is a ximazan that is 6'5 (~1.9 meters) with blue-purple skin. Their armor is a warm purple with pink, orange, yellow, and green accents. They have two fingers and one thumb. Their hair naturally grows along the back of their neck to the back of their head. They have more body fat than the average insectoid.

Their antennae have three naturally ocurring holes in them, and they connect to two horns on the top of Offal's head. Offal's eyes are large and blue-purple, they have no eyelids. Like an insect such as a cicada or mantis, their eyes are actually slightly 3D and solid. The eyes' reflections are rather matte, as is the case with the rest of their armor. When they are asleep, their pupil fades away and the blue-purple appears darker. While these eyes canonly only look like dots that expand or contract, they may be stylized to look more emotive such as adding eyebrow lines or shaping the pupil in a way like this ^-^ or this -.-.

They have a tuatara-esque third eye on the top of their head, but they frequently cover it up with their hair to avoid making people creeped out.



Offal dislikes the texture of most clothes and usually does not wear much. Their usual outfit is simply shorts with a strap around their shoulder to hold their weapon which I have no designed yet.

Offal in a floaty pose wearing cargo shorts with a belt strap across their body.



♦ Like all ximazan, their voice is pretty deep. I have no official voice claim at the moment.

♦ They have tourette syndrome.

♦ They like pretty weird food, even for a ximazan, which is a species with extremely hardy digestive systems and a poor sense of taste.



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